Saturday, October 5, 2013

Veteran Relief

There was an editorial written in the Dallas Morning News for the support of Propositions 1 and 4 in the upcoming election. These specific propositions are both in regard to tax exemptions for disabled veterans and the spouses of veterans killed in action. Proposition 1 would grant tax-exempt status to the surviving spouse of a veteran killed in action on the market value of their primary residence. Proposition 4 would ease the tax burden on donated homes given to fully disabled veterans. The author who wrote this editorial was obviously in favor of passing these propositions, and feels that they will pass without much opposition. I'm not sure that the author was trying to reach any specific intended audience, as the article would only have a substantial  effect on a small percentage of those eligible to vote on the issue. However, the author did a beautiful job of laying out the minimal cost compared to the potential benefit of those who could capitalize from these propositions. Stating that the two-year financial cost for tax payers would amount to less than $100,000 as pertaining to Proposition 4 or the worry over whether Proposition 1 would cause spouses to reconsider re-marrying, where they would no longer be eligible for tax exemption, were the only negatives listed in the article. The support from the audience was all based on patriotism. I think America as a whole has been real supportive of our military members in the recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The author used this to their advantage to pull on the reader's emotions and label it as their responsibility to support these honorable men and women with their vote. I definitely agree with the author on these propositions. The men and women that these propositions directly pertain to have been through some real traumatic experiences, and should definitely receive some appreciation from their home state. A $100,000 debt over two years seams minimal in comparison to the budget figure as a whole. It would also be nice to see support for an issue from people who are not directly impacted by its decisions other than the minimal tax consequences. Overall, it was a great article that shed some light on issues that are very important to these honorable men and women of our state and our country. These propositions definitely deserve some attention, and I look forward to the passing of them.

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